Become a Smart Sheepe

Our Smart Sheepe resources and tools are designed to help you begin your journey to detect and eventually reverse engineer propaganda

Learner Lamb

Tools 1-4

Are our smart Sheepe beginner materials. Here we share materials to help give you a taste of very real and documented propaganda campaigns unleashed on the American people and their historical context . Feel free to share or distribute this content to spread the word.

Resource 1

Resource 2

Resource 1

Resource 2

Smart Sheepe

Tools 4-5

Once you understand the players and methods of American propaganda One Ring to Rule them All & the Study Guide will take up to advanced Smart Level. After these you identify and reverse engineer propaganda

One Idea to Rule Them All

One Idea to Rule Them All: Study Guide


Learner Lamb


If you haven’t already partaken, we recommended starting your journey with our Great American Propaganda Quiz. How much do you know about propaganda?


Learner Lamb


See how others are responding to the quiz and the surprising results. In this PDF we’ll also take a look at who is able to drive this influence.


Learner Lamb

Monopoly Tree

How does control work in a “free” society. Download this visualization to see who


Learner Lamb

Why understand propaganda?

In this visualization entitled ‘Top 10 Reasons to Understand the Dangers of American Propaganda’, we’ll show you why.


Learner Lamb

Documented deception

The most destructive front group ever! Created in... 1911. American propaganda goes back a long way as this fascinating and frightening case study shows.


Learner Lamb

The Godfathers of propaganda

The influence and work of these 4 men form a lesser known parallel history of the United States. Find out who they are in this PDF.


Learner Lamb

The House of Truth - Propaganda during WW1

Learn about the fascinating story of George Creel and Committee for Public Information during WW1, or as Creel put it “How We Advertised America: The First Telling of the Amazing Story of the CPI That Carried the Gospel of Americanism to Every Corner of the Globe”


Learner Lamb

The infrastructure of belief

The "Trusts" are the shortcuts your brain utilizes to create settled beliefs in small local communities of integrity, a highly adaptive mechanism that frees you from having to investigate everything from the ground up before you can make a decision.


Learner Lamb

Have we missed the death of our country?

This powerful graphic shows how the presence, proliferation, and refinement of propaganda undermines the core principles of a constitutional republic, eventually destroying it.


Smart Sheep

One Idea to Rule Them All

This book deep dives everything covered so far and much much more. Learn the tactics of hidden manipulation perfected by the idea bullies so that you can protect your family, finances and future.


Smart Sheep

One Idea to Rule Them All: Study guide

Created as a companion to the popular book, One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda, the study guide assists the reader into a deeper reflection and understanding of the material.